Aspire Summer Send-Off


19 Aug 2024






Aspire Point Mezzanine

Get your custom t-shirt signed!

And now, the end is near! Summer is almost over, and we’re saying farewell in style. We don’t just want to say goodbye, we want to give you a special way to remember your time in your hall of residence.

That’s why we are offering residents the opportunity to order a custom t-shirt that can be signed by friends, flatmates, and neighbours at your Summer Send-Off, serving as a keepsake of your time here.

To ensure you secure your t-shirt, please fill out the form below by the deadline on Monday 8 July.

Please also note that the t-shirts will be distributed during the Summer Send-Off Event only. Any resident who fails to order a t-shirt by the deadline will not be able to get a t-shirt.